Warren Buffett Says Anyone Can Achieve Success by Following This 1 Personal Rule He Lives By

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In his 1989 annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders, Warren Buffett called attention to a valuable personal rule which he credits to much of his success.

The Oracle of Omaha said: After some other mistakes, I learned to go into business only with people whom I like, trust, and admire.”

Why the focus on the people behind business relationships? According to Buffett, it’s simple: “We’ve never succeeded in making a good deal with a bad person.”

In a 1998 address to University of Florida MBA students, Buffett reiterated this golden principle, saying “I only work with people I like. If I could make $100 million with a guy who causes my stomach to churn, I would say no.”

Of course, when your net worth isn’t measured in billions (or millions, for that matter), it can be easier to fall into exciting opportunities with the wrong kinds of people. And unless your life resembles an HBO drama, by “wrong kinds of people,” I don’t mean gangsters, hitmen, or drug dealers. I simply mean folks who put less stock in values.

Maybe a potential business partner is willing to make false claims about a competitor’s product, or your accountant wants to get creative with the numbers so you can avoid paying your fair share in taxes. There are always people looking to toe the moral line, whose behavior might not get them locked up, but is still unsavory, to say the least.

Buffett’s personal rule in practice

Buffett’s point is that associating with these types of people is risky, not necessarily because you’ll end up in legal or financial trouble, but because over time you’ll grow to be more like them. As he puts it, “You want to associate with people who are the kind of person you’d like to be. You’ll move in that direction.”

To make sure you’re moving in the right direction, here are three things to consider as you put Buffett’s personal rule into play.

  1. Phase out undesirable relationships.

If you’re serious about associating yourself with the right people, that will inevitably require disassociating yourself with the wrong types. Once you’ve decided to make this change, only you can determine the appropriate pace. If your manager is pushing you to upsell customers who don’t need your product, you might want to keep a casual eye out for a new role. On the other hand, if the CEO’s money-funneling son is your direct report, don’t walk — run toward the exit.

  1. Vet your business partners thoroughly

Don’t wait to do some digging until you’ve signed on the dotted line — the best time to learn about business partners is before you go into business. Do your due diligence upfront, researching their past decisions and looking for trustworthy references. If you’re having trouble finding any information, move on to step three.

  1. Trust your gut.

You should give people a chance, but that doesn’t mean ignoring your intuition. If you have a bad feeling about someone, whether they’re a new employee, a potential board member, or a mutual acquaintance interested in investing, trust your gut. Meet them for dinner or coffee to get to know them a little better. If the feeling remains, nip any future association in the bud.

As Buffett acknowledges, you’ll make mistakes along the way. Sometimes a golden opportunity will blind you to the people involved, or your intuition might fail to warn you about an individual’s true character. All you can do is learn from these mistakes, adjust accordingly, and move on.

Attracting More & Better Clients Through the Use of Testimonials…

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A great starting point is with your current clients or customers. They love you and your goods and/services, right? They can do your business possibly the greatest service by shouting it from the mountaintops – okay, maybe not exactly from the mountaintops but it’s even better today because there are so many more avenues available in today’s digital world, you can reach more potential customers. It gives your future prospects the idea of how very thrilled other customers are or were with your business and lets your prospects know that you will treat them the same and they will be equally thrilled with your business.

The way to do that is by client/customer testimonials. A testimonial doesn’t have to be long or elaborate or go into every tiny detail but should tell how wonderful you are personally (if they dealt with you). A good testimonial should go into how satisfied they were with your work, how your company saved the day (maybe even did a rush job), how your specialty work was exactly what they needed. They can also describe how you, your staff and your company in general have the knowledge that brought it all together for them.

A testimonial can be short enough to cover just a few of points about how you saved the day printing their company t-shirts and hats 3 days before they needed them for a convention with an attendance of 5,000. It could maybe go into detail about how your company had the staff, connections and expertise to cater their wedding and attend to all the details of a panicking bride when the perfect wedding venue they booked two years ago had to close because of a plumbing disaster.

You can ask all your customers/clients for their good words about your business or services, something like, “We’d love to get a testimonial from you since you are so pleased with our service.” See what that gets you. Or you can send an email a few days later thanking them for their business and asking not only for their referrals but asking for “a short testimonial telling why you were so happy.”

Some people have no idea how to write a testimonial and they might need a little help formulating their ideas on how great you are. You’ll find that some people are too busy in which case you could simply ask them to just jot down a few thoughts, then get it back to you and you can write it out more cohesively and/or embellish it. But don’t change their intent or meaning – just make it flowery and warm so future prospects will realize that you are the one for them, too!

If you need help with prods and ideas for testimonials, just let us know. We have great ideas and talented wordsmiths who can help out. If your business or service is something that would benefit more from a video testimonial, we can also help with that.

The bottom line is that the whole idea of a testimonial is to let people know that they should be working with YOU. And your previous customers are the best ones to let your future customers know that you are the best company to take care of them, too!

(If they want to shout it from the mountaintops, that’s okay because no matter the method, testimonials work!)



Strategy. . .

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A great starting point is with your current clients or customers. They love you and your goods and/services, right? They can do your business possibly the greatest service by shouting it from the mountaintops – okay, maybe not exactly from the mountaintops but it’s even better today because there are so many more avenues available in today’s digital world, you can reach more potential customers. It gives your future prospects the idea of how very thrilled other customers are or were with your business and lets your prospects know that you will treat them the same and they will be equally thrilled with your business.